Friday, November 8, 2013

Hamlet Essay

One of the main themes in Hamlet is his inner self loathing. He is beat up over his fathers death which is causing him to be anxious. He doesn't know who for sure who to blame for sure for his fathers death. The performance utterance in Hamlet states that Hamlet is a play about a man who could not make up what is real in his mind not about a man that could not make up his mind, which I suppose is very accurate statement about Hamlet. 
Hamlets indecisiveness affects the other characters by his mom having Rosencratz and Guilderston watch over him. It changes the plot because the antagonist is constantly changing. This compares to my own self overhearing because I often find myself  "thinking to much". This story makes me reflect on the times I'my life where I have been indecisive and how stressful being confused can be. 

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