Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lit Analysis #2

Lit anal #2
1. The rising action of My Life Next Door by Huntly Fitzpatrick is when Sam (narrator of novel-- 17 year old girl) starts to date her neighbor Jase. Samantha's mom is a politician and is very strict and Jase Garret is one of 8 sibling in the very neurotic loving family that live next door. The climax of the book is when Sam's moms boyfriend hits Jase's dad in a hit and run accident. The falling action of the novel is the drama that the hit and run causes and inevitably united the two opposing families. The resolution is when Sam and Jase are starting their senior year together.
2. The theme of the novel is to always be honest because the truth will come out anyway.
3. Authors tone is enduring. Sam the narrator of story never gives up.
#1 -- page 82: "things come at you fast, and that helps."
#2 -- page 391: "but I'm not the watcher anymore."
#3 -- page 104: "and this is where I've wound up."
#1 -- Imagery -- page 105 -- "I would be if I didn't keep picturing"
#2 -- hyperbole -- page 148 -- "it's a movie how bad can it be."
#3 -- alliteration -- page 214 -- "saying short speeches"
#4 -- antagonist -- Tim is a troubled kid in the story.
#5 -- dramatic monologue -- page 254 -- "stop.. STOP"
#6 -- figuratively language -- page 214 -- "much to everyone's surprise."
#7 -- genre -- this book is a fiction novel.
#8 -- motif -- Tim's struggles are a common motif in this book.
#9 -- narrator -- in this story it is Sam.
#10 -- point of view -- this novel is written In 1st person.

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