Sunday, March 30, 2014


Great Gatsby

I have chosen The Great Gatsby as my last lit analysis because it is my favorite classic literature novel.

#1. This novel revolves around the life of the mysterious and extravagant life of Jay Gatsby. The novel is written about him by his neighbor and only true friend Nick who is also Jay's longtime love Daisy Buchanan's cousin. The novel conveys the life of Jay and and the forbidden love of Jay and Daisy.

#2. This novel is placed during the Great Depression so it has an underlying theme of westward expansion but the main theme is that money cannot buy happiness. Jay Gatsby came from a poor family and acquired great wealth but it still did not fulfill his life. He did not end up with Daisy, he ended up getting killed and the only person that was by his side was Nick.

#3. The authors tone is one of curiosity. He does is not very opinionated he is just descriptive. 

1--Characterization - Jay Gatsby: young money mysterious play boy .
2--Characterization - Nick: narrator of novel,  Jay Gatsby's neighbor and friend, and Daisy's cousin.
3--Characterization- Daisy: the love of Jay's life but they cannot be together because she is married to Tom. 
4--Setting- West Egg and East Egg
5--Protagonist- Jay Gatsby
6--Antagonist- Tom , Daisy's husband.
7--Climax- Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy never loved him.
8--Simile- "Went like moths among the whispering and the champagne and the stars."
9--Symbolism- East Egg wealth: West Egg  morality.
10-- Mood- mood of book goes from happy to somber.

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