Monday, September 9, 2013

Beowulf Essay

I can compare Beowulf with the modern hero of Steve Jobs because they both believed that they could change people's lives. Beowulf was the hero of his time because he fought for people who were defenseless and was loyal to his people. Steve Jobs is a modern hero because he changed the world with his ideas and was always determined that he could help improve the way people lived. 
Beowulf was never fazed by an antagonist ( he took down the powerful Grendal) and Steve Jobs never let his, at the time more successfully, competitor company Microsoft from slowing down his dreams for Apple Inc. Beowulf and Steve Jobs were both didactic leaders. Beowulf showed leadership when leading his troops in the battle against Grendal's mother. Steve Jobs was also know to be an extremely didactic leader in his company, he would keep tweaking his products well past the due date to ensure that they were the absolutely best they could be. Beowulf and Steve Jobs also had similar motifs in the way they worked. Beowulf's was to put it all on the table to ensure that we win this battle and Steve Jobs' was to put all his work into making a product that he knew would improve the lives and efficiency of millions of people.

“To defend our folk and to furnish assistance, Thou soughtest us hither, good friend Beowulf."
 Is a quote that Hrothgar says to Beowulf about him being a good person for defending his people and
 not being afraid of the antagonist Grendal. "If, for some reason, we make some big mistake and IBM 
wins, my personal feeling is that we are going to enter a computer Dark Ages for about twenty 
years."Is a quote that Steve Jobs says about his antagonist company Microsoft. "They were stretched 
a-high on the strand of the ocean, Put to sleep with the sword, that sea-going traveler. Is a quote by 
Beowulf about his men listening to his didactic instructions about staying safe before the battle. 
"Nobody has tried to swallow us since I've been here. I think they are afraid how we would
 taste." Is a quote that Steve Jobs used about his company's didactic work ethic. "Yet I ’scaped with 
my life the grip of the monsters." Is a quote that Beowulf said about his motifs on not giving up and 
how he barely escaped death. "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to 
bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me." Is a quote that Steve 
Jobs has said about his motifs for Apple Inc. success.

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