Tuesday, April 1, 2014


#1 -- Here is an example of Macbeth introducing through indirect characterization 
  • Indirect: "Sam's glass tipped over. His face went beet red. He couldn't look at any of his friends as he mopped up the liquid with a towel."
#2 -- Shakespeare uses the prophecies of the witches and thoughts of Macbeth himself to foreshadow within the play. 
#3 -- Shakespeare's approach to expostion or the introduction explains the situation. In Macbeth it consists of the first two scenes. The first scene brings us at once into the mystical atmosphere which is to pervade the entire play. The second scene describes the brave deeds of Macbeth, the man who is to yield to supernatural solicitings. 
#4 -- The tone of Macbeth is a tragedy, so its tone is predominantly dark, elegiac and depressing. 
#5 -- The main theme in Macbeth is ambition gone wild.